Jesus gave us the clear mandate to go into all the world. At MCF, we desire to be active in bringing the love and hope of Jesus, to our families, workplaces, neighbourhoods and the nations.

“All the authority of the universe has been given to me. Now go in my authority and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. And teach them to faithfully follow all that I have commanded you. And never forget that I am with you every day, even to the completion of this age.”

Jesus to His disciples (Matthew 28:18-20 TPT)

Loving our city
Mackay Christian Care

For more details on Mackay Christian Care, please contact our office.

Women's Shelter

Throughout the year, our MCF women lovingly create beautiful hampers and gifts for women in difficult circumstances.

School Chaplains

We have a number of Primary and High School Chaplains who make a difference in the lives of hundreds of young people through involvement in our local schools, chapel services, religious instruction in State schools and Connect Groups. 

Adopt-A-Family Christmas Appeal

Over the past couple of years, we have partnered with Church of Christ Care to provide Christmas hampers for foster care children and their families who were doing it tough in the festive season.

Loving our world
New Hope Ministries, Indonesia

We are partner with Wolfgang and Heidi from New Hope Ministries to impact the Dayak people group in West-Kalimantan with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

As a church, we specifically partner with them to support their children’s home, “Wisma Damai Sejahtera” (Eternal Peace Centre) We believe as we invest into these young people’s lives, we enable them to become future leaders and godly influencers in Indonesia and beyond.

Foundation for Cross-Cultural Education (FCE)

Since 1990, FCE has been involved in training Christ-centred, missions-minded professionals in the sphere of education and training.

‘With a unique emphasis on discipleship and leadership, FCE’s training seeks to develop each student as a whole person. Character training is integrated with professional skills training through an emphasis on transformation and renewal of the mind (Romans 12: 1-2). With over a dozen nations represented, FCE’s international character adds another layer of life-changing richness to the learning experience.’ 

Our relationship with FCE spans over 19 years. Over this time our connection with its people has had a profound effect on our people and organisation - both MCF and MCC. 

As a Church, MCF shares a vision with FCE about making disciples and using education as a tool for transforming lives.

Sepheo, Lesotho

Sepheo (lead by Josh & Belinda Groves) works with children living and begging on the streets in Maseru, Lesotho’s capital. Their vision is Excellence out of Poverty; that Lesotho’s Poorest will Become Lesotho’s Best. They desire to see every child off the streets and living out their purpose.



Ps Cami founded AsiaTen14 to help reach a generation of unreached people groups in seven South Asian Countries. He continues to work with these pastors remotely due to Covid and to support some of them financially when required.Romans 10:14 NLT.  He also supports Pastors & leaders within these countries with finances, pastoral care and discipleship training.


Australian Aboriginal Outreach Ministries

Ps Brett & Val Durant left Mackay and MCF in 20?? (still waiting on year) to work with and Pastor at Living Waters AAOM Kununurra.  An ACC church with a primary focus on indigenous people, working with AAOM (Australian Aboriginal Outreach Ministries Inc). Everyone is very welcome and our aim is to provide a culturally relevant, life changing experience for the indigenous people.


Cambodia Dream

Sarah is committed to God’s passion of transforming lives, families and eventually the nation of Cambodia through the exponential multiplication of disciples making disciples and churches planting churches. This commitment has led Sarah to find new ways to make the gospel meaningful within Cambodian culture: using the teachings of Buddha as a bridge to the Gospel; and developing an empowering disciple-making process that doesn’t even require literacy skills to multiply. Sarah is involved in discipling families in many villages across the outskirts of Phnom Penh and two other provinces.


Plus Ultra

Pastors Peter & Robyn have an amazing heart and love for the people of Bangladesh and other South Asian nations and people groups where they are involved in Church Planting, the discipleship and training of Pastors and Leaders in these areas and in supporting Youth workers & ministries.  They are currently awaiting visa approvals for them to be able to travel to Bangladesh and other nations nearby to continue on the ground with this work.


Emmanuel Boys Ministry

Fay Walking has lived, worked & ministered in Thailand for over 20+ years and she has a great love for the people and the Country.  Over the course of her ministry in Thailand she has worked closely with the Emmanuel Boys Ministry. Where she has worked with young men in the region, helping them with schooling, further training and working with others to come out of a life of drug addiction and into a close relationship with Jesus.  Fay has also worked within Bible Training schools and in discipling and pastorally caring for Pastors and their families in the region where she worked and lived.


National Youth Movement

Sukhith is a Youth Worker in Sri Lanka, working closely with Pastor Heshan. Sukhith is a growing leader and passionate disciple-maker. Having an encounter with Jesus at a Youth Conference, he has continued to follow his calling and is loved and known for his energy, enthusiasm and fire for God. Sukhith is the Lay Youth Pastor at his local church in Galle, Sri Lanka and is a tech wizard, which has been a fantastic asset for his Church and the National Youth Movement in Sri Lanka in recent times.


1DAY Campaign with ACCI Missions & Relief

It’s a simple idea, with a powerful impact:
Giving one day’s salary can make a pivotal impact for good in individual lives and their communities around the world.